Birthday celebration
Do you want to serve your child birthday cake in a fun and safe environment? Bring your children to the Spider Bowling Center and give them a one of a kind birthday party that will have them smiling to the end! Our experienced entertainers are trained to keep children of all ages laughing even after the games are over. Bowling is a recreational exercise that puts a big smile on a child's face, and fills him/her with positive energy and cheerful spirit – it is through games like these that children will forever remember their friends.
Bowling lane rental (up to 6 children per lane)
Bowling footwear rental (sizes 31 and larger)
Lighter bowling ball and bumpers
Free of charge invitations you can pick up at the reception desk or download from our website
Beverages of your choice from our daily offer or special juice towers (orange, apple, peach juice, or ice tea; 3 litres)
Our special food offer: pizzas, chicken fingers, cold snacks, bruschetta
Additional food offer: catering
You can also order cakes, cake pops, and cup cakes (see offer below). If you bring your own cake, biscuits, etc. a 17 EUR service charge will apply. We provide the place settings and the venue.
Children's entertainment: our entertainers will provide a cheerful, safe and fun atmosphere.
All parents want their children to get plenty of exercise and live a healthy life. Birthday parties, however, sometimes seem to contradict this rule, as children often sit around and eat fast food. It is better to give them a place to let loose where they can stretch their legs and spread their wings – rent a bowling lane, where children can try out a new type of sport and show their hidden skills, while at the same time enjoying snacks, drinks, and even cake. In this way, your children will spend an active day with their friends and gain new experiences, while allowing you to breathe easier without any worry.
Cakes, topped with whipped cream or chocolate and adorned with decorations appropriate for girls or boys.
Flavours: Nutella, fruit, chocolate
All cakes come adorned with candles
Price: 53,00€
Cake with a picture (topped with whipped cream or chocolate)
Available pictures: Minions, SpongeBob SquarePants, Masha and the Bear, Spiderman, Frozen, Star Wars, Batman, Slugterra, Lego Ninjago, Beyblade
Flavours: Nutella, fruit, chocolate
All cakes come adorned with candles
Price: 57,00€
Lolipops & Cupcakes
Price: 4,50€
Odrasli si vzamemo premalo časa za druženje s prijatelji – a kadar vsakdanje obveznosti postavimo na stran in smo razpoloženi za veselje, si radi damo duška ob hrani in pijači, glasbi in gibalnih aktivnostih, ki pomagajo ob smehu poglobiti vezi. Zakaj se ne bi naslednjič družili ob bowlingu? Zabavna aktivnost, primerna tako za tiste najbolj fit, kot tudi vse, ki vidijo v prijateljski tekmovalnosti predvsem možnost za veliko smeha.
Najem bowling steze (na stezi je lahko največ 6 oseb)
Izposoja igralnih čevljev
Pijača po izbiri iz naše dnevne ponudbe, velika izbira domačih in tujih piv ali posebna ponudba žirafa piva (3 litre)
Aperitiv: penina, razne žgane pijače
Ponudba hrane iz naše kuhinje: pice, piščančji fingersi, hladni prigrizki, bruskete, čebulni obročki, fingerfood
Dodatna ponudba hrane: catering
Sladki del tudi uredimo, torto lahko naročite pri nas
Za glasbeno vzdušje, poleg hišne glasbe, priskrbimo DJ-ja
Organiziramo bowling tekmovanje, za nagrade pa pripavimo rabljen bowling kegelj z napisom po želji
Spider light bowling, nočno vzdušje pa je višek zabave
Biljard ali ročni nogomet sta dodatni možnosti za razvedrilo
Bowling center Spider nudi praznovanja rojstnih dni in druga druženja za skupine tudi za odrasle. Zagotavlja dobro vzdušje, prigrizke, pivo v žirafah in druge pijače, primerne dogodku, če gre za zabavo posebne vrste, na primer dekliščino ali prednovoletne zabave, pa se lahko dogovorite tudi za kakšno posebno presenečenje. Zakaj je pomembno, da se tudi odrasli sprostimo ob bowlingu? Zato, ker se enostavno moramo igrati – in praznovanje je vedno odličen izgovor, da poiščemo otroka v sebi ter prekinemo zaporedje vsakdanje, stresne rutine. In če lahko lučanje bowling krogel pospremimo tudi z glasbo po želji, igranju ob svetlobnih efektih ter cateringom? Potem je zagotovljeno, da bo praznovanje še dolgo ostalo v spominu.
Pokličite nas in povprašajte, kako lahko ustrežemo vašim željam – poskrbimo za vse, vi potrebujete zgolj razlog, da povabite prijatelje na zabavo.